Saturday, 24 December 2011

Sega MegaDrive Collection PSP EUR-Multi5

Sega MegaDrive Collection PSP EUR-Multi5

Sega MegaDrive Collection PSP EUR-Multi5
English | Platform: PSP | Release: 24/01/2007 | Publisher: Sega | Developer: Backbone Entertainment | 714 MB
Genre: Compilation

Thankfully, Sega Mega Drive Collection is afar more enticing proposition. Offering 27 of the more popular titlesto have appeared on Segas late 80s/early 90s 16-bit console (expertlyconverted to play identically to the originals), the range covers animpressive array of gaming experiences.

True, there are a numberof members from the same family, such as three Phantasy Star titles, twoSonic The Hedgehogs, a couple of appearances for Vector Man, as well asthe Golden Axe and Ecco the Dolphin trilogies. Yet these shouldnt beconsidered fillers ? each iteration stands on its own pixellated feet.

Indeed,the Collection distinguishes itself not through the number of games itincludes, but rather the number of poor games it does not.

No,unlike certain PSP compilations, Segas collection screams value. Evenpersonally disappointing insertions such as dreary beat-em-up AlteredBeast and poorly executed helicopter-based shooter Super Thunder Bladeprobably still have strong fan bases, and are likely to find affectionfrom some of you. And while RPGs such as the much-loved Phantasy StarIII included here seem awfully clunky by todays standards, theyrestill capable of engrossing players for many, many hours.

Thosewho linger too long on such fare would be missing valuable play timewith some of the UMDs strongest entries, however, such as the two Sonicgames, the infuriatingly addictive puzzler Columns, the ninja-basedplatformer Shinobi III, and the pleasingly playable, non-polygonal MegaDrive version of Virtua Fighter 2.

Again, theyre personalchoices. For many, this list would definitely extend to include AlexKidd, together with one or more of the Ecco and Golden Axe games ?strong titles, inarguably. But then even simpler experiences such as thedelightfully colourful platformers Bonanza Bros and Flicky delivergenerous and consistent levels of fun.

Tempting you to at leasttry all of the games is the promise of unlockable bonus and extramaterial, such as substantial interview footage of the developers ofsome of the games, trailers, and five additional games from Segas hugearcade vault (see PG Tips below). The latter is of interest to bothretro gamers and those looking to catch up on history they may have beentoo young to witness first time around, of course, although theseindividuals are unlikely to be as impressed by the limited number ofother additional elements from the games Museum section, whichrestricts itself to a brief description of each game, three tips and thebox artwork.

Still, looking into the future, where modernconcessions have been made they are there to better the experience.Hence opening sequences can be skipped or curtailed, the action viewedin three display modes (stretched and filled offer a larger, thoughlower resolution image while original keeps things razor sharp) andsaved at any point, while a two-player ad-hoc mode enables co-op orcompetitive play on most games (only one game, side-scrolling platformerKid Chameleon, allows alternate play for two).

But the crucialaspect of Sega Mega Drive Collection is that it will always be able tofall back on the quality of its games. For veterans, its a greatopportunity to relive some old favourites while perhaps discover the oddtitle that may have escaped them. But ultimately, its something thatall can enjoy ? theres some excellent games on offer, many of thempacked with utterly wonderful (and still unique) touches meaning theyabsolutely stand up to modern scrutiny. Graphics may age, after all, butsolid game mechanics rarely do ? and here, theres certainly anabundance of that.

Quality and quantity, indeed.

Sega Mega Drive Collection is released on February 2nd.

* 1. Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle
* 2. Altered Beast
* 3. Bonanza Bros.
* 4. Columns
* 5. Comix Zone
* 6. Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
* 7. Ecco the Dolphin
* 8. Ecco II: The Tides of Time
* 9. Ecco Jr.
* 10. Kid Chameleon
* 11. Flicky
* 12. Gain Ground
* 13. Golden Axe I
* 14. Golden Axe II
* 15. Golden Axe III
* 16. Phantasy Star II
* 17. Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
* 18. Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
* 19. Ristar
* 20. Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
* 21. Sonic the Hedgehog
* 22. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
* 23. Super Thunder Blade
* 24. Sword of Vermilion
* 25. VectorMan
* 26. VectorMan 2
* 27. Virtua Fighter 2


Sega MegaDrive Collection PSP EUR-Multi5
Sega MegaDrive Collection PSP EUR-Multi5


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